Learn how to heal your heart, your patterns and your life

I invite you to come home to yourself, to see and understand your struggles, with kindness, self-forgiveness and grace.

In 2021, there are upcoming online and in-person retreats on “The Healing Power of Connection, Joy and Self-Compassion”

I encourage you to take advantage of these special events.


You will find a depth and gentleness of heart toward yourself, and toward others you can’t even imagine right now.

After participating in a 3-day self-compassion seminar in Ireland this May, Miriam O’Connor offered her evaluation as a way to encourage folks to connect with this course:

Meditation alone isn’t enough

Miriam writes: “I find having a daily contemplative practice very supportive.  However, I have been struggling with my meditation for almost a year, because I’m not being open to my own suffering, and I haven’t learned how to give myself compassion. . .  

You’ve been ignoring your wounded heart

“. . . For as long as I can remember, I have been running away and closing down on my suffering. I have been ignoring my wounded heart. . .

You can acknowledge your suffering with kindness

“. . . Now I want to acknowledge my suffering with kindness, so I can hold it spaciously and without judgment. I want to bring my crippled heart to my meditation, and place it under God’s compassionate gaze and healing love. . .

You can learn to forgive yourself

“. . . I want to forgive myself for my habit of judging and rejecting myself, realising I can now slowly and surely try something new. I can come back to the present moment to my body, in this room, and acknowledge my suffering. . .

And come home to yourself gently

“. . . It’s tough. But now I know how to practice self-compassion, how to witness, and receive; how to come home to myself gently, and with some humour.”

There’s so more opportunity and space to explore, and heal, and release, in a longer retreat.

Consider signing up for one of these retreats –  and learn how to lighten up your life.

It would be an honor to meet you there!

Christine Longaker

Upcoming retreats


When you realise the depth and fullness of your love of yourself,

you know that every living being and

the entire universe are included in your affection.

— Nisargadatta



Text and photo ©2018 Christine Longaker.  All rights reserved.

Christine Longaker

Hospice and spiritual care pioneer and author of "Facing Death and Finding Hope: A Guide to the Emotional and Spiritual Care of the Dying," Christine Longaker is writing a book on Self-Compassion, and developing trainings and an online course based on the book.

1 Comment

Chris · June 14, 2018 at 2:35 pm

Great article!

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