In their own words: participants in “Compassionate Care for the Dying” trainings
“What made the greatest impression was the open hearts, the sharing and the respect. The seminar has reignited my determination to integrate these techniques into my work as a clinical psychologist.”
“The seminar was extremely practical, with highly interesting material delivered with lots of stories and examples. The power of being present, without needing to say or do anything, whilst drawing on my own refuge, will be an important learning for me.”
“The most helpful aspects were discovering the spiritual resources within myself, and learning techniques to apply in daily life, so they become part of my skills set as a doctor and a person.”
“What I found most helpful was the session on how to integrate these new skills into my daily work. I found it very useful to have the time to go deeply on a personal level, and really engage in the content. Engaging in these practices will help me remember to bring presence and understanding into my workplace and family life.”
“The practices gave me a pure and simple way to integrate and incorporate the spaciousness of love and compassion into daily life. This course really brought home to me that it is my choice to give up worrying about my life as I think it should be, and live in the present to experience my life as it is. I feel calm, centered and a part of ALL of life. I found a confidence in just being.”

© Christine Longaker