“The exercise of compassionate listening in small groups made the greatest impression – it was so amazing
– something I will never forget.
It opened my heart completely.”
Seminars & Trainings in Self-Compassion
Christine Longaker leads seminars, retreats, and longer trainings with a dynamic mixture of warmth, sincerity, humor, and professionalism.
You can request a list of objectives and an evaluation form useful for accrediting courses.
NOTE: In 2018 only, Christine is available for a maximum of 40 hours teaching per month.
Self-Compassion Retreats
Christine is available to give 5- and 6-day retreats on Self-Compassion, which is her favorite form of presenting this material. In-depth retreats include presentations, guided meditations, individual and group exercises, and compassionate listening in groups. Retreats for up to 50 participants need to be booked well in advance.
Speaking Engagements and Keynote Talks on Self-Compassion
With many years of experience offering keynote talks in major conferences in the US and Europe, Christine is available to offer conference talks on one of the themes connected with Self-Compassion.
Suggested titles
Self-Compassion: The Journey to Courage, Love, and Connection
Easing Difficulties with Self-Compassion
Self-Compassion and Resilience
Kindness and Self-Compassion
Healing Relationships with Self-Compassion
Courage, Love and Connection: Self-compassion for caregivers
Healing Grief with Self-Compassion
Communicating details for new requests
Write to this email: events@christinelongaker.com, and please include the following information:
Name of sponsoring organization
Responsible contact person, with phone number and e-mail
Date and location of proposed event
Type of event and length
Suggested title or theme
Type of audience & expected number of participants
Any other relevant information

© Christine Longaker