Support the vision if you can

If you are inspired and able, appreciating my free offerings – it’s wonderful if you can offer a donation. 

With many facing financial stress during these times, whatever you can offer is deeply appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


PS: At this time, donations are not tax-deductible.


US Dollar

US $ Bank transfer – preferred

On your bank’s website – go to “Pay Bills” and click “Payment using Zelle”.

There are no fees; it’s simple and automatic!

Put in the amount you want to donate, and credit it to my Zelle account, which is: *Please note: “Gift” or “donation”

Address to send a US $ check

Christine Longaker

10013 NE Hazel Dell Ave #238

Vancouver  WA 98685


US PAYPAL:  Be sure to select “family and friends” instead of “goods and services. And please note: “Gift” or “donation”

NOTE: EURO Paypal link is below


EUROS and other denominations

BANK transfer – preferred

Please write for details to:

EUROPEAN Credit card

EUROS Paypal: it automatically appears as if you’re paying for ‘Goods and Services’, but for donating, please click this and you’ll see you can select “FAMILY & FRIENDS” And please note: “Gift” or “donation”


Photo ©2018. Christine Longaker

Photo © 2018 Christine Longaker