Discovering Gratefulness & Joy

14-day challenge – Sunday, Mar. 20th – Sunday April 3rd

What is JOY?

Essentially, joy is . . .


Being open and connected

A radiant generosity of spirit

Deep contentment

. . . and an unshakable freedom of heart


Where do we get joy?

The source of joy is quietly bubbling within, but we tend to be a bit serious and we’re often too distracted to notice it.

Our practice is learning how to reclaim our connection with joy:

By getting used to savoring and appreciating life,

Feeling gratefulness

Noticing and remembering moments of joy,

Removing the barriers we’ve built against it, and

Coming to rest in the vast openness of heart that’s our birthright.


Is joy even possible during anxious times such as these?

Absolutely, in fact, it’s really necessary.

I’ll explain more during the challenge.


What’s included in the 14-day challenge?

Enjoying each Sunday an online guided meditation

Free meditations to listen to once a day
Fun exercises to “make it real” in your life

Reflections for recognizing how it’s going each week

Inspiring emails and quotes on gratefulness and joy

A community webpage for connecting and sharing insights or questions


Possible benefits of gratefulness & joy . . . let’s find out together

Maybe you’ll experience  . . .

Less stress, and better sleep

Reduced time spent judging yourself

Feeling happier with your body

More moments of ease and well-being

Clearer connection and communication in relationships

Sense of richness, no matter your circumstances

Increased resilience

What’s the cost?      $27 – 56 /   €27 – 56

If you’d like to be a sponsor, you’re invited to donate $60 / €60 or more.

If you need to offer less, that’s okay, as no one will be turned away.

How do I make a payment:  Click here

How do I register?  Make a payment, and write me to let me know you want to enroll:



Siglind · March 20, 2022 at 7:01 pm

Where are you all?

Siglind · March 20, 2022 at 6:59 pm

Am I right here to take part in the online event which starts now?

Eithne Sparling · March 16, 2022 at 7:11 pm

Dear Christine I’m not signed up to pay pal. So I’m going to try payment directly to your account. See if it works.

Anonymous · February 28, 2022 at 10:34 am

Dear Christine
What time of the day on Sundays do you offer the 14days challenge?
Yours Siglind

Siglind · February 28, 2022 at 10:30 am

Dear Christine
What time of the day on Sundays do you offer the 14days challenge?
Yours Siglind

    Siglinde · March 20, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Are you online now? Where can I find you?

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