From Adversity to Aliveness – discover the power of self-compassion to lighten your life
Now what? How can you make sense of all that’s shifted under your feet during the past years? What if your heart’s gone numb – is it even possible to feel compassion, or joy?
You may have struggled with a constant sense of unworthiness, tension, anxiety, or harsh self-judgment. Convinced that you are somehow defective, you’re sure other people deserve compassion, but not you. Patterns of perfectionism or reactivity continue unabated for decades, your toxic inner critic keeps having a field day, and you’ve lost all sense of agency in your life.
This comprehensive seminar includes insights from a wide variety of spiritual and scientific sources that dismantle the false beliefs imprisoning you. You understand why you can finally let yourself off the hook, and learn step-by-step how to clear the debris from your heart. Remarkably effective body-centered meditations shift your feeling-world from black and white to loving color. There’s a sense of exhilaration when you glimpse the inherent openness and freedom of heart within, and a tender-hearted understanding for the whole tapestry of humanity.
The essence of your future is love. Developing genuine compassion for yourself is the first and most urgently needed step enabling you to re-connect with others, and your whole life, with enhanced aliveness, resilience and joy.
Available online in North America and Europe!
Dates: Sat. Sept 11th, Oct. 9, Nov. 6, Dec. 4
Times: 9 -11.30am Pacific, 12 – 2.30pm Eastern,
17 – 19.30 GMT, 18 – 20.30 Central Europe
What’s the price?
The seminar price is $125 or €125. Concession: $95 or €95.*
*No one will be turned away because of lack of ability to pay.
If you would like to be a sponsor, you may like to donate $250 or €250.
How do I register?
To register, write Christine:
Here are different options for how you can send a donation.