Guided meditation: Feeling Worthy of Love
Please click both the titles to download:
Feeling Worthy of Love – Main Meditation
Feeling Worthy of Love – Introduction
Die Meditation Sich der Liebe wert fühlen
Sich der Liebe wert fühlen – Main Meditation
Sich der Liebe wert fühlen – Introduction
La meditación ““Sentirse digno de amor”
“Sentirse digno de amor” – Main Meditation
“Sentirse digno de amor” – Introduction
Français Se sentir digne de l’amour
Se sentir digne de l’amour – Main Meditation
Se sentir digne de l’amour – Introduction
If you found this helpful, and want to experience additional meditations, you can preview the entire album:”Joy, Ease and Self-Forgiveness” on this link.
Additional gifts
Dialogue for Clearing Unfinished Business – English
Ein Dialog Zum Beenden Unerledigter Angelegenheiten
La méthode pour clore les affaires non réglées
Resources for healing & facing death
Easing Grief – free resources
Two chapters from my book, Facing Death and Finding Hope
Chapter 3: The Needs of the Dying, in their own voice
Chapter 11: Healing Bereavement
Click here to download a free pdf of these two chapters
To buy the print or e-book of Facing Death (US edition): click here
See the album of Self-compassion meditations
Klicken Sie hier für Deutsch download pdf of two chapters
Kaufe das deutsch print or e-book
Pour télécharger deux chapitres gratuits
Pour acheter l’édition française: Trouver l’espoir face à la mort

©2018, text and photo Christine Longaker
“Here’s the most important thing: I want you to see me as a whole person, not as a disease, or a tragedy, or a fragile piece of glass. Do not look at me with pity but rather with all of your love and compassion. Even though I am facing death, I am still living.”
—from The Needs of the Dying, by Christine Longaker